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1988 Kim 1
1988 Kim 2
1988 Kim 3
1988 Kim 4
1988 Kim 5
1988 Kim 6
1988 Kim 7
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1988 Kim 9
1988 Kim 10
1988 Kim 11
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2001 Alcan Back
2001 Sleepy Sloppy
2001 Dad Day Jam
2002 Unfit
2002 The Key of G
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2003 Januweary
2003 Post-Key
2003 Fatiguitar
2003 Oh No
2005 Waiting
2005 Sun Strike
2006 Stinky Room
2006 Schtupid
2007 Coy Pun
2007 Post-Ides
2007 Post-Ideas
2007 Post-Ideals
2007 Warble
2007 Another Same Day
2007 And Another
2007 Bald Ballads
2007 Lunch Broken
2007 Mayo
2007 Mayon
2007 Mayonandon
2007 Mayoff
2007 Juneo
2007 Juneon
2007 Juneonandon
2007 Two Song Rule
2007 Cavy Fury
2007 Infinity Daze
2007 Fall Start
2007 False Tart
2007 Fall End
2008 New Ear
2008 Decadend

Track List

# title lyrics time download listen started recorded rating
1 Scatty Chatter lyrics 1:25 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
2 London Bells lyrics 5:57 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
3 Percussion Chatter lyrics 0:57 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
4 Come and Dance the Tango lyrics 10:16 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
5 It's the Reggae lyrics 6:46 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
6 Percussion Encore lyrics 0:54 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
7 Something Tricky lyrics 5:18 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
8 Scattier Chatter lyrics 2:01 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
9 Waiting for a Call (2) lyrics 8:23 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
10 Settlement Chatter lyrics 1:29 download listen locally - 1988-04-10
11 Goulash lyrics 9:13 download listen locally - 1988-04-1?
12 Smurf Intro lyrics 0:26 download listen locally - 1988-04-1?
13 Smurf 2x lyrics 8:54 download listen locally - 1988-04-1?
14 Smurf 4x lyrics 7:01 download listen locally - 1988-04-1?
15 Smurf 6x lyrics 1:45 download listen locally - 1988-04-1?
Total 70:45 play all locally album rating:


This batch of songs for my cousin Kim was recorded over a weekend. It's mostly lame percussion-heavy improvs, but has historical value (to me, at least) in that it documents the creation of the background music for the "Settlement of Southern Africa" video.


Scatty Chatter

Scatterbrained babbling about reggae, history day, and Scat-Trav. There was probably some Bob Marley on the tape before it.

I'm guessing that this was the first recording of the day, which would mean the previous songs were all recorded on the 9th.

Lyrics to "Scatty Chatter":

bob marley, that's real real real reggae
i'm sure you've heard of ziggy marley
well ziggy marley is bob marley's son
that's quite obvious
they both sing reggae and they're both ???
bob's dead and that's what counts
that's real reggae; that's the best reggae i've ever heard

i'm gonna play a little more scat-trav
otherwise known as dictajamming, all right?
did you like that last dictajamming, parts 1 and 2?
i bet you thought they were trash
yeah, that's right, no, i'm kidding

oh, today is the 10th of march, no april, april
it's sunday, sunday, all right?
my history day thing i'm gonna have to work on today
until my father gets back from tennis
i'm gonna have to work on that, okay?
and what else?

and you know, you must have tons of tapes i realize
how many tapes did i send you last time? 4?
and so far this is the second one?
it's incredible
[sign] dwindling supply of tapes here
all right anyways

so this next one i haven't a name for it yet
but it should be catchy, i hope
you know the last tape cut off
just as the other song was starting to get good
but i didn't really wanna make you listen to the rest of it
because there was only about 5 more seconds
or a little more than that, about a minute
like [scat]
like that
you can only do so much with a keyboard
and that's why i am blessed with a mixer and a dictaphone
those help me a lot
all right, more scat trav coming up

London Bells

Clink, clank, thump. This clunker started with a really long percussion solo. It was horrible, so I got rid of it. So now you are thrust pretty quickly into the vocal section, which is the (ahem) "good" part. Snicker.

Lyrics to "London Bells":

  i hope this works
  i doubt it will

this is the best
this is the best scat-trav yet

the london bells they chime so loud
the chimes they draw a crowd
the london bells they chime so bright
they chime in the middle of the night

the london bells they chime so loud
the chimes they draw a crowd
the london bells they chime so bright
they they draw a crowd in the middle of the night

the london bells are drawing people towards them
the london bells they know what's coming towards them

the london bells, the london bells, the london bells, the london bells
the london bells are chiming
the london bells, they are ho-hum, blaa blaa blaa
london bells are chiming

this is scat trav here saying to you
beware of the people you see in the zoo
they may be animals that have escaped
you never know when they are wearing hats and capes

the london bells are chiming, they like to draw a crowd
the london bells are chiming, they chime so loud
they draw all sorts of people to them in the night
the london bells are chiming, they chime, they chime so bright

the london bells
the london bells
the london bells
the london bells

the london bells
they draw there people of all types
the london bells chiming 12 times
in the middle of the night

people beginning to look like monsters
in the middle of the night
you can never tell just where they have come from
in the middle of the night

you find them in a filth-ridden alley
in the middle of the night
with garbage all around them and a stench like muskrat
in the middle of the night

some of them are really super-creepy
in the middle of the night
you have just got to ???
once in a hour

once in a hour
you've got to have the power
to pull through

the london bells they chime so loud
the london bells they draw a crowd
the london bells 12 times so bright
the london bells will chime in the middle of the night

people come from all around just to see the tower
that holds the london bells and see them strike the hour, again
people come from all over the world just to see the tower
to see the famous london bells and hear them ring the hour

the london bells they chime so loud loud
the london bells succeed in drawing mightly crowds [scat]
the london bells they chime so bright
the london bells in the middle of the night

the london bells
the london bells
the london bells
oh the london bells

with a ding-dong here and a ring-a-ling there
they bring anybody, ground or air
from the ground or the air

the london bells, ha ha
the london bells
the london bells
the london bells

the london bells

the london bells
the london bells
the london bells
the london bells

the london bells

oh what a monster

Percussion Chatter

I was trying to explain how I made the percussion noises. It's kinda disjoint; I could barely form complete sentences. I guess my thinking was rather "percussive" at that point.

Lyrics to "Percussion Chatter":

ok honestly, how did you like that one?
london bells
that's different because
in the first recording you know when i was talking like this
london bells
all i was doing for percussion
i was playing this... on the keyboard and i'm just going...
every once in a while when you know
but when i recorded over this time, when i didn't say anything
it was like
and then you can hear the scissors
how do you like it?
it was very fun for me
as you can tell, i made up the lyrics as i went along
all of them, i promise you
i made up all of them as i went along
i didn't even know what it was going to be titled
until i heard what this sounds like, you know the... part
well this next once i haven't written it yet
i'm gonna try to find some more interesting percussion instruments
i like the percussion in the last one
it sounded cool, like [scat]
ok, well anyways
i'll see you then

Come and Dance the Tango

This is a long, slow, painfully out-of-tune reggae/tango/dirge. I pre-wrote the lyrics, which are pretty dumb and shallow. The keyboard is of badly tune with itself. Also, in the middle of the song I had some sort of technical difficulties.

On a positive note, the main melody isn't bad (if you ignore the tuning), and some of the solos are decent. The fast rapping at the end is kinda catchy, too. You've just gotta slog through several minutes of nauseating dissonance before you get there.

Lyrics to "Come and Dance the Tango":

all right here's some more with come and dance the tango


i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good

he said come and dance the tango i've a fancy little 2 step
and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can do most anything
yes i can dance real good

he said come and dance the tango
he said come and dance the tango

yes, i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good

i've a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good

oh yeah, ???

i've a fancy 2 step
and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ, baby
i can dance real good

he said come and dance the tango
dance with me
  why don't you ???
come and dance the
come on
  1 2
hit it again

come and dance the tango
come dance with me
i'm a real good dancer
now just you see, again

come and dance the tango
just dance with me
come and dance the tango
and just come and see

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good
i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good

come and dance the tango, come and dance with me
i can dance real good, just you see
come and dance the tango
come and dance with me [scat]


he said
come and dance the tango, come and see

come and dance the tango
come and dance with me
come and dance the tango
just come and dance with me

he said come and dance the tango
come and dance with me
he said i can dance real good
just why don't you come and see

i've a fancy 2 step
and i've a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ
i say i can dance real good

i've a fancy left foot
and a very steady 2 step
when hector's at the organ
i don't make mistakes

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can polka real good
i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can groove real good

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
and when hector's at the organ i can jive real good
i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can jam real good

i can have a jam, i can make the jam
i can make a party where you won't want to leave
i can make a jam, i can make a jam
i can make it so fun that you want to roll your sleeves up

i can make a jam, i can make a jam jam
i can make a party that you never leave
i can make a jam, i can make the jam jam
i can make you comfortable, you gotta roll up your sleeve

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
ooh, when hector's at the organ i can dance real good
i've a steady left foot and a fancy 2 step
hey, when hector's at the organ it makes me trip

i've a steady left foot and a fancy 2 step
when hector's at the organ it just makes me trip, again
i've a steady left foot and a fancy 2 step
when hector's at the organ i just gotta trip

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
when hector's at the organ i can dance real good
and i've a steady left foot and a fancy 2 step
when hector's at the organ it just makes me trip

i've a fancy 2 step and a steady left foot
ooh, when hector's at the organ i can dance real good, uh-huh

  one more time

all right, that was called "come and dance the tango"

It's the Reggae

More out-of-tune noise and dumb-as-a-skunk lyrics. This time it adds horrible cornet noodling. It's hard to find something positive to say about this, but at least it resembles reggae more than the last one resembled a tango.

Lyrics to "It's the Reggae":

  i hope this one's catchy
  it's called: it's the reggae

all right, are you still there
do you actually listen to this stuff
as i spaz out basically?
it's the reggae
that's the name of this song
more scat-trav
hit it, hit it, hit it, hit it

  yeah, woo-hoo
  we're getting down, man
  yeah, yoo-hoo-hoo

  nice strong sound

oh it's the reggae
as you're groovin' to the rhythm it may hold your heart
oh it's the reggae
and it makes you want to dance, can't wait 'til you start

it's the reggae
you're groovin' to the rhythm like it holds your heart
oh it's the reggae
and it makes you, makes you want to dance, can't wait to start

it's the reggae

oh it's the reggae
as you're groovin' to the rhythm like it holds your heart
yes it's the reggae
it makes you want to dance, can't wait until we start

let's do the reggae

the reggae
as we're groovin' to the rhythm like it holds your heart
it is the reggae
yeah, makes you want to dance, you can't wait to start

it's the reggae, the reggae, [scat] reggae
oh yeah
all right

Percussion Encore

Horrible drum feature. Fortunately, it's short.

Lyrics to "Percussion Encore":

as an encore, i'll step on the stage with this number

  all right, aren't you impressed yet
  wooh, listen to him go


Something Tricky

More hyper drumming, this time with super-fast canned keyboard rhythms. It was too fast for decent solos or melody. Yuck.

Lyrics to "Something Tricky":

are you ready to rock

  ok this one is scat-trav's big experiment

this is something tricky that i have to sing
it is so loud that it makes my ears ring

ah, this is something tricky that i have to tell
it makes my ears sound like a bell
  this is something tricky
hey this
  this is something tricky
hey this
  this is something tricky
hey this
  this is something tricky


this is tricky, it's really really trickky
you gotta be smart
can't mistakes when you're going this fast
if you do it'll sound like a fart

??? scat-trav's big
scat-trav's big experiment

Scattier Chatter

This was at the end of the first side of the tape. It's more hyper babbling about Scat-Trav. Great grammar, too. The "funny" thing is that I was talking about how catchy I thought the music was. Ha!

Lyrics to "Scattier Chatter":

so no more music the rest of this side
i'll give you a break
that was pretty hectic, don't you think?
god, it's tiring for me
it's so obvious what i played the second time there

yeah whatever
well anyways, this is the best i can get
just only myself
it's not more percussiony
i think it's more catchier when i use scat-trav
i don't know why i call it scat-trav because
i just don't know why i call it scat-trav but it doesn't matter
because i can do more
the percussion, i mean, i actually have a percussion
anyway  that's something to ??? about
right now i actually have a percussion
percussion section
what does that sound like?
look out for the burrito, uhhhhh
yes, i did burritos for lunch today
no i'm kidding
here's the thingamajoog

yeah blaa blaa
well how do you rate these
these are very different
i know it
there's less lyrics but more music
and it's not organized well, it's just catchy
that's all it is
all this stuff is catchy
that's all it is
ok um side 2 i hope is better
i've do have to get started on my history day
all right so i'm gonna leave you now saying
this is scat-trav saying
this is travis saying
this is scat-trav, no i'm kidding
that could go on forever
i had fun doing this
and that what's counts
oh now, we're not getting into this again
what really counts is how much you enjoyed it
no, i think i enjoyed it more than you did
and to be honest, i think i enjoyed it more than you did
anyway there's not much time left
so i say i must go, i must go
and i want you to be serious about what you think of scat-trav
dp you think he's a little imp
do you think he's a pain, a little pest
does he get on your nerves
he gets on my nerves

Waiting for a Call (2)

I included this final version of "Waiting for Ian to Call Back" on my History Day project ("Settlement of Southern Africa").

The beginning is horrible, mostly due to my inept cornet playing. When the final melody starts up, it's pretty cool. The keyboard died in the middle, but I did a little rap to kill time; not bad.

I'm guessing I recorded it (and the next bit of "Settlement Chatter") on the 10th, which was a Sunday.

Lyrics to "Waiting for a Call (2)":

  this one's waiting for a call
  it's gonna be awful, i warn you

ok this should be a good song
i don't know; i haven't written it yet
are you ready
are you ready
are you ready
  i guess i am, i don't know about you uhhhh
are you ready
all right

wrong tempo
so sue me, sue my pants off
bet you'd enjoy that
bet you'd enjoy that, hey
i bet you'd enjoy that

have you ???
have you caught ???

all right, i got it

waiting for a call
standing by the phone
i tried him earlier
but he wasn't home

oh yeah
we're waiting by the phone
for a call from a guy who isn't home

and then the keyboard that ???
oh god

it always refuses the cooperate
so i have to fix it or i make it up a steak
and  cook it for dinner and i feed it to the dog
and is that what you want you little keyboard bob?

and you are so crazy that you're driving me nuts
i'm gonna get scissors and make you a cut
and i'm gonna slice you up and feed you to the dog
i'm gonna slice you up and feed you to the dog

if you don't cooperate i'll have to
this is, this is your favorite famous song
here we go
??? again

yes, waiting for a call
waiting by the phone
we're waiting for a call
but he isn't home

we're waiting for a call

  oh gosh

it sounds so awful let me take a break

tell me
what did you expect from this song
what did you like it in the first place
how have i messed it up

tell me
what did you expect from this song
how was it in the first place
how have i messed it up
again, again


1 more time
1 more time
that's all we'll allow

waiting for a ???

all right um
ok just go on, make a list of all the things
i didn't have in this version that were in the original
but this is faster
all right, this one's faster
so what's, what is it called again?
waiting for a call
let me write that down

Settlement Chatter

More talking about my History Day project, "Settlement of Southern Africa". It's interesting that "Waiting for a Call (2)" was a remake requested by my cousin Kim.

Lyrics to "Settlement Chatter":

that was awful
that was bad
that was sad
that was terrible
waiting for a call
ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong
it could drive somebody crazy
most of them are more conservative, like...
anyways, i'm still making songs up
i hope the next one's better
i don't even know what it's called yet

oh god, here is some news that will crack you up
you know that song i just played
waiting for a call
i'm using that for the background in my history day project that i just finished

i had to record 3 or 4 times because waiting for a call
that's in the background
and it is so funny
but it's supposed to be that way
i just wanted to [let you] know how
your request actually turned out important anyways
that's a weird thing to note
all right, does that spaz you out
you wanna hear the video tape
listen, just listen
is that good or what
all right, listen to the crowd
all right, that's great
dad, what do you think of it?

  DAD: all right, let's rewind it

but do you think it's good?
what do you think it deserves?

  DAD: ???


  DAD: it's good, trav

it's good, trav

  DAD: ???

does that mean

  DAD: i'm gonna go to bed, ??? go to bed ??? let's go

i'll take this to school
the videotape

  DAD: it's late, ??? downstairs

all right
good night


We continue with more Scat-Trav. It's very out of tune and has lots of hiss, both due to the multiple recordings (4 total). The beginning is really bad, but the groove and intensity gets better later. The vocals are mixed low, but that's not a bad thing, since the lyrics are so dumb.

Lyrics to "Goulash":

ok, i guess this is called goulash since i haven't recorded a song yet
the one thing good about this one is it's been recorded 4 times

  this is take 2
  let's ??? this up

  hit it

  rocking to the rhythm of the break of dawn

hey hey

  we be ???
  rocking to the rhythm of the break of dawn


  hey, we're rocking to the rhythm of the breaking the of dawn

  rocking to the rhythm, swing to the beat
  rocking to the rhythm, roll around the feet


hey hey, hit it girl
hey hey, move your body
hey hey, hit it girl
hey hey, get up and move your body

hey hey, move your body
??? to the rhythm and your feel real cool
hey hey, gotta move your body
jump to the rhythm and ??? cool
hey hey, ???
hey hey


hey hey hey hey...
we're singing hey hey hey hey...


hey hey hey hey...

  we're coming

hey hey hey hey...

yeah yeah real cool
dancing to the rhythm with your brand new shoes
hey hey real neat
dancing to the rhythm with blisters on your feet

hey hey really cool
dancing to the rhythm with blisters on your shoes
hey hey really neat

hey hey really cool
dancing to the rhythm with your brand new shoes
hey hey hey hey...

  hey hey hey hey hey hey
  work it baby
  hey hey hey hey hey hey
  work it baby

  hey hey hey hey hey hey
  work it baby
  hey hey hey hey hey hey
  ??? baby

hey hey hey hey...
hey hey hey hey hey yeah...
yeah yeah yeah yeah...
yeah yeah yeah yeah hey
yeah yeah yeah yeah hey

  hey, get down, listen to me go
  hey, get down, listen to me go
  hey, get down, listen to me go

  that was that was that was barf
  barf barf barf

barf barf barf...

Smurf Intro

Babbling about next song. All right?

Lyrics to "Smurf Intro":

that was pretty intense don't you agree
ok that's interesting, recording it 4 times
but i think i'm gonna use different instruments this time
all right?
so i will write another song and i'll record it
and it shouldn't be as long
it should be a lot better

all right, this is another 4 recordings
they're not that good quality
but they're something and they're different, all right?
and i hope this one's better
and the name of it is smurf, all right?

Smurf 2x

My sister liked the Smurfs. Maybe they were on in the background when I recorded this? That would suggest that this was recorded on a Saturday. The next Saturday after the previous song is 1988-04-16. So that would be as good a guess as any as to the date.

The music, while pathetic, sounds a lot clearer than the last song. I'm pretty sure it's only 2 tracks and that "Smurf 4x" adds the other 2 tracks.

Lyrics to "Smurf 2x":

we know what is how we rock
we know what is how we rock

we know what, doin' the smurf
we know what, while we're doin' the smurf
we know what, while we're doin' the smurf
we know what

we know what
we know what
we know what
we know what we're doing while we're doing the smurf

Smurf 4x

This is a faster version of "Smurf". It adds 2 more tracks and lots of tape hiss.

Lame stuff likes this makes the Scat-Trav songs on Five Dollar Drummer sound much cooler.

Lyrics to "Smurf 4x":

ok listen that was version 1
that was an average recording
this one's gonna be terrible



yeah yeah yeah yeah... wooh...
we are are doin' the smurf
yeah yeah wooh
telling we are doin' the smurf

  we know how to rock
  we have all the rhythm
  you don't know nothing
  you're just sitting

  we know how to rock
  we have all the rhythm
  you don't know nothing
  and you're just sitting

yeah yeah
wooh wooh wooh wooh... yeah

  yeah yeah
  we know how to rock

  oh we know how to rock
  we all have the rhythm
  you don't know nothing
  you're just sitting

we know how to rock
we know how the rhythm
you're just sitting

we know how to rock
we know all the rhythm
and you're just sitting

we know how to rock
we know how the rhythm goes
you're just sitting

  yeah yeah

wooh wooh


wooh yeah yeah

  we are rocking


  rock the house
  all the walls in
  rock the house
  bring all the house down
  bring all the walls in
  and all the people frown
  for we're rocking the house

bring all the walls down

  we're rocking the house
  we're rocking the house

wooh wooh

  we rocking the house

    we know what is how we rock
    we know what is how we rock

    we know what, doin' the smurf
    we know what, while we're doin' the smurf
    we know what, while we're doin' the smurf
    we know what

  yeah yeah yeah

    we know what
    we know what
    we know what
    we know what we're doing while we're doing the smurf

  doin' the smurf
  doin' the smurf
  doin' the doin' the doin' the smurf
  doin' the smurf
  doin' the smurf hey
  yeah that was sad
  it was shoot

it barfy barfy
all of it

Smurf 6x

This is the final, 6-track version of "Smurf". Yikes. Good thing it cuts off at the end of the tape.

Lyrics to "Smurf 6x":

ok that was recording 4 times
this is recording 6 times
this will be terrible

we're rockin'

  yeah yeah yeah yeah... wooh...
  we are are doin' the smurf
  yeah yeah wooh
  telling we are doin' the smurf

how do you like this music so far
do you find it ??? or you find it really ???
how do you like this music so far
do you find it ??? or you find it really ???

we are doin' the smurf
we are doin' the smurf
doin' the smurf, doin' the smurf
doin' the smurf, doin' the smurf
    we know how to rock
    we have all the rhythm
    you don't know nothing
    you're just sitting

    we know how to rock
    we have all the rhythm
    you don't know nothing
    and you're just sitting