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Teardrop bootlegs

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Teardrop bootlegs

Postby Spacecat on 2008-04-11 10:57:51

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Postby Tripecac on 2008-07-30 06:41:15

Awesome, thanks! Just downloading it now.

I don't know why it took me so long to see this post. I'm glad the download still works!
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Postby Spacecat on 2008-07-31 02:22:15

There was quite a lot of Cope stuff on the Spinster's Rock blog. Virtually every official release was on there - Teardrops & Cope - as well as a few live recordings and demos. Head Heritage found out about it though and they asked the site to remove it all. * I managed to get one or two items which were hard to get (Modern Antiquarian spoken word promo CD was one of them) and a couple of bootlegs (inc. Live in Aberdeenshire). I've just checked the site now and it has closed.

*I always buy Cope's official stuff but it's a good job I use a computer\Internet otherwise wouldn't know when anything was released...
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Postby Tripecac on 2008-07-31 06:09:27

Wow, that blog must've been quite a find! However, it sounds like it was crossing the line of, well, "fairness". IMO, boots and out of print stuff are great download fodder (like abandonware), but once a site starts posting in-print releases, it's crossing the line into outright piracy. So I'm not surprised it got shut down. If I were HH (or any record label) I'd do the same thing! Heck, if we fans want to be smart, we should also ask our favorite blogs to avoid posting any in-print stuff (and to yank stuff on request), so that they stick around longer! :)

I'm glad music-isms is still going strong (knock on wood)... Thanks for telling us about that one!
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Re: Teardrop bootlegs

Postby Spacecat on 2009-03-30 15:30:14

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Location: North West, England

Re: Teardrop bootlegs

Postby Spacecat on 2009-03-30 15:37:03

Here's a great site for bootlegs - I've traded a couple of concerts for two gigs I went to in the early eighties - the only Teardrops gig I managed to go to and one of Cope on his first solo tour....
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Re: Teardrop bootlegs

Postby Tripecac on 2009-03-30 15:37:32

Awesome, thanks!
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