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Tribute songs

Successor to the Comsat Fellowship

Tribute songs

Postby Tripecac on 2006-09-01 09:15:46

A few years ago I started a Comsat Angels tribute project. I received only a small handful of submissions, so we never got much momentum going. However, I still have interest in making these tracks available to people.

I did something similar for Julian Cope. I was able to assemble two volumes, and am slowly accumulating material for a third:

Is there interest in me doing the same thing for the Comsats?

Are there other Comsat tribute projects out there?
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Postby Anjelica on 2006-09-15 17:17:48

I would love to see a tribute album, it would be pretty cool. If I can recall correctly there were many on the mail-list who actually had recorded covers.

I am sorry we had to go to this format but it's looking very nice Travis so congratulations and thank you so much for all your hard work in organising something else for us.
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Joined: 2006-09-15 15:46:54

Postby Tripecac on 2006-09-16 09:04:39

Anjelica -

Thanks for posting! I'll try to assemble a list of tribute songs that I've received so far.

In the meantime, do you know of any that exist online? Or at least the names of some contributors?

The reason I'm asking is that I vaguely remember some tribute songs being mentioned on Sleep No More. I think they were all by the same guy. But then I remembed he didn't seem interested in contributing to the tribute cd that I had started... (which was fine for me b/c tribute cds are a lot of work). So I sat back and waited to see what became of his tribute effort, but then nothing seemed to happen. Weird!

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