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Forum Styles

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Forum Styles

Postby Tripecac on 2006-08-28 08:42:03

This forum's software (phpbb) lets you choose different style templates.

The default template is "subSilver". It's robust and clear, but I use it every day at work, so I wanted something different for my personal sites.

Originally I planned to use a template called "Classic". It was less "gray" feeling than subSilver, and had a clean look (unliked most of the other gimmicky templates out there). However, after making a few minor edits I found out that its author required permission before we could modify it. I tried emailing him, but the email bounced back. Because I didn't want to invest a ton of time modifying the template only to have to cease using it (should the "Classic" author put up a fuss), I decide to revert to the original "subSilver" template, which is [more] freely modifiable.

So anyway, we're starting with the boring (but clear) gray "subSilver" template. I'll gradually replace the subSilver styles with the light colors that I usually use on my pages. If you still see gray on some of the pages, that's because I haven't finished adding my styles to all the pages yet.

If you have any requests for stylistic changes, or see any style-related bugs, please post here.
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