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Tripalot Amazon Store - Feedback welcome

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Tripalot Amazon Store - Feedback welcome

Postby Tripecac on 2008-04-11 08:59:40

I've created a Tripalot Amazon Store:

The goal is to make it easier for people to find music (or books or games) which is mentioned on Tripalot. This frees me from having to manually include (and update) thumbnails, prices, and links for each item. I direct most people to Amazon anyway, so might as well have Amazon do most of the work.

Anyway, please let me know what you think of the Tripalot Amazon Store, and what I can do to make it easier to use.

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Re: Tripalot Amazon Store - Feedback welcome

Postby Tripecac on 2010-04-20 17:30:34

So far I have gotten zero sales, in over 2 years!

So if you also have dreams of quick fortunes via the Amazon affiliate program, well, think again!

Kinda not worth the dev time, eh? Either that or it requires more marketing than dev time. I haven't bothered with the marketing part of it. Isn't that Amazon's job?
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Joined: 2006-08-25 07:25:43

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