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Galbraith Mountain - Biking Options

Life and travel in the Pacific NW, specifically in the Bellingham, WA area.

Galbraith Mountain - Biking Options

Postby superbunny on 2006-09-02 07:46:47

I enjoyed biking up Galbraith mountain in Bellingham and I was wondering if anybody else knows of other locations that are similiar and are bikable?
Thanks for any info :lol:
Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-09-02 07:38:17

Postby Tripecac on 2006-09-02 10:19:35

Galbraith has lots of trails. Here's a nice list of trail descriptions: ... braith.htm

It's hard to find good (free) maps, though.

What did you like and dislike about Galbraith?
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Joined: 2006-08-25 07:25:43

Postby superbunny on 2006-09-06 20:59:32

Thanks for the maps!

Below is my experience of that trip:

It's a really nice bike ride but it's permanently uphill. There is lots of biking to do and there are not many free maps around.
As soon as we start biking I felt like getting back down. My boyfriend bribes me and I also think all the times I'm stuck in traffic with all the rude and annoying drivers that make my commute to work miserable, so I get back on the bike. I hear my boyfriend that says that it's only 20 more minutes. This becomes his mantra during the whole ride.

We ride our bikes and at some point we get to a fork, we take the wrong turn and it's an isolated path around the mountain. The air is nice and there are little spores flying around us that make the air look surreal. I think I see two big bubbles coming out of my boyfriend's nose, he has the allergy. I really like this path because is very isolated and it makes you feel like you are in different place. There is lots of deadwood and it's very dry. The road is wide but at the sides there is a ravine that drops steeply. My boyfriend thinks is a big waste of time while I'm thinking are you kidding, this is great. We get back on the path the road becomes very steep at this point so we start pushing our bikes. When we finally make it on top we have a 360 degree view of Bellingham. There is Mount Baker, the bay the forest. The way back down is fast we ride at breack neck speed. We finally get to the bottom my brakes are smoking and my hands are cramped but I still feel glad that we did this trip.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2006-09-02 07:38:17

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