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by Tripecac on 2008-07-15 11:34:37
I just played the latest version of Doom the Roguelike (version
I made it to level 17 before running out of med kits. Pretty intense!
The map generation isn't too hot; sometimes you start off right next to the stairs down. Also, the keys are a little clunky.
However, it was actually a lot of fun, in a mindless sort of way. It really does have a Doom-like feel.
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by Tripecac on 2010-04-18 17:32:48
I tried this again yesterday (version 0.99) and actually had a blast (no pun intended)!
It's actually quite polished, very playable. The only thing I wish it had was a nice tutorial.
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by Tripecac on 2010-04-29 17:32:35
After playing DoomRL a couple more times, I realized that the levels are not random. There's actually very little variability from game to game. This unfortunately diminishes my interest in the game.
My longest game took a couple hours (I play slowly), and now that I know I will have to do exactly the same thing in order to get any further in the game, frankly, my interest is gone. The original Doom at least let you save and load, so that you didn't have to go all the way back to the beginning. DoomRL doesn't do that; once your character dies, your only option is to start a new game.
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- Posts: 318
- Joined: 2006-08-25 07:25:43
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