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Roguelike Blogs (and other periodicals)

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Roguelike Blogs (and other periodicals)

Postby Tripecac on 2007-05-31 07:18:19

Here's where we can post links to blogs that are dedicated to roguelikes, or at least mention them frequently. I'll start:

Temple of the Roguelike
-- recent posts focus on new roguelikes
-- has a roguelike family tree
-- still rough - some pages cause 404 errors

Roguelike the Magazine
-- fancy production values
-- only has 2 issues so far (with each issue covering multiple topics)
-- a little hard to navigate

Unangband - a Roguelike Developer's Diary
-- talks about roguelike development (as the name suggests)
-- not much content yet

anyone know of a roguelike podcast?
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