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Bruce Licher performs with Lanterna August 10th & 12th

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Bruce Licher performs with Lanterna August 10th & 12th

Postby Tripecac on 2007-07-17 21:05:56

[I received this email and image today from Bruce -- Trav]

Scenic (and former Savage Republic) guitarist Bruce Licher will be joining Illinois-based instrumental group Lanterna for two live performances on August 10th and 12th, 2007. Licher and Lanterna guitarist & songwriter Henry Frayne have collaborated previously, with Licher adding fresh melodies to accompany Frayne's music at several performances in Arizona during 2003 and 2004.

These 2007 performances will feature a full-band version of Lanterna with Henry Frayne on guitar, Nick Macri on bass (from the Chicago-based group The Zincs), longtime Lanterna collaborator Eric Gebow on drums, and Bruce Licher on unison-tuned guitar and effects. This will be a rare opportunity for fans of evocative instrumental music to see these musicians create their unique sounds in a live setting.

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