This is the printable cover for Walk Around.
Since I use it to make labels, it's tailored to my printer and browser (IE7) settings. It might not look or print as nicely on your PC.
I suggest you try a print preview and/or low-ink draft print before trying to print actual labels.
Make sure you configure your browser to print backgrounds, or the images won't print.
Set your left/right printer margins to 0.75 and your top/bottom margins to 0.50.
In the Spring of 1997 I got accepted to graduate school. The meant I had to find a way to tell my employers that I would be leaving them. Luckily, I found a graceful exit from my job: "educational leave of absence". This meant I had a job waiting for me when I finished. Nice!
To make the transition from working world to academia even more fun, I decided to leave work a few months early so that I could devote the entire summer to travelling. My plan was to take a biking trip somewhere in Alaska.
I bounced back and forth between my apartment in Alexandria (where I had the acoustic guitar) and my parents' house in Charlottesville (which had the piano). At my apartment, I focused on packing and winding up my projects for work and Tripecac. At my parents' house, I started preparing for my trip (which included loading up my bike). I also bought a video camera, which resulted in a dearth of still pictures from that time; hence the weak cover photos.
This collection of piano and guitar ditties, exercises, and improvs captures those last few weeks in Alexandria. I was very happy to be leaving Northern Virginia (hopefully for good), but was anxious about the upcoming trip and grad school.
The music isn't as profane or abrasive as before, but it sometimes seems distracted and unfocused. I think I was using it theraputically rather than as a means of communicating. Overall, I think it's a decently listenable effort, though none of the songs stand out.
Note: The original tape cover said "March - June 1997", but I have another tape which says "April 1997", so I'm guessing that these songs were recorded in late April at the earliest.