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Where to buy Comsat CDs

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Where to buy Comsat CDs

Postby Tripecac on 2006-09-25 10:05:32

Here's where we can post recommendations on where to find Comsat Angels albums. I'll start:

as of 2006-09-25
- Waiting for a Miracle - $27 new, $16 used
- Sleep No More - $27 new, $16 used
- Fiction - $22 new, $15 used
- Time Considered - $27 new, $16 used
- 7 Day Weekend - $50 used
- Land - $70 used
- It's History - $103 used
- From Beyond 2 - $18 new, $17 used
- My Mind's Eye - $11 used
- Glamour - $45 used
- Waiting for a Miracle - $19
- Sleep No More - $19
- Fiction - $19
- Time Considered - $19
- From Beyond 2 - $22
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Postby proche on 2008-05-20 13:55:19


Don't mean to repeat myself, but this seems like the correct place to list this...

"Chasing Shadows" is available for download via MP3 Fiesta ( for $1.64 U.S.! Yes, it's true. They recently doubled their prices (I got it for $0.82). The prices are incredibly cheap because MP3 Fiesta is a Russian music site (I believe they replaced AllofMP3, which shut down a while back). If you're afraid of sending your credit card information to them, set-up a virtual credit card (I did this via PayPal), which works great! The one big downside to MP3 Fiesta is that your downloads only stay on their server for 48 hours.

Okay, enough blabbing for now. I gotta listen to some more Comsats music!

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Re: Where to buy Comsat CDs

Postby Tripecac on 2010-08-24 13:12:14

Renascent also has Comsat Angels CDs, at good prices:
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Joined: 2006-08-25 07:25:43

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