Tripecac - Vegibles (2005)

  1. Seed [3:37] 2005-08-10 - 2005-08-11
  2. Sprout [3:45] 2005-08-13 - 2005-08-14
  3. Shoot [3:29] 2005-08-17 - 2005-08-18
  4. Pod [4:11] 2005-08-22 - 2005-08-23
  5. Stem [4:51] 2005-08-26 - 2005-08-27
  6. Root [3:47] 2005-09-01 - 2005-09-06
  7. Weed [4:25] 2005-09-13 - 2005-09-14
  8. Ivy [5:44] 2005-09-19 - 2005-09-20
  9. Willow [6:13] 2005-09-26 - 2005-09-27
  10. Soap Berry [4:58] 2005-10-04 - 2005-10-06
  11. Corn [3:18] 2005-10-12 - 2005-10-14
  12. Moss [5:38] 2005-10-24 - 2005-10-25
  13. Fern [3:44] 2005-10-28 - 2005-10-29
  14. Bean [5:59] 2005-11-02 - 2005-11-03
  15. Redwood [8:00] 2005-11-09 - 2005-11-10
  16. Mulch [6:21] 2005-11-14 - 2005-11-15

...continued from Aminals...

Hi again! Remember me? I'm the guy who wasted all that ink and bandwidth chattering away about nothing on the Aminals notes. Well, I'm back to bore ummm... entertain bore you with more aimless ramblings!

So, where was I? Oh yeah... Aminals has vocals and Vegibles is all instrumentals. I created them concurrently, taking turns: one song for Aminals, the next for Vegibles. Repeat. And repeat. It was a simple strategy which allowed me to create a 100% vocal album while still getting to relax in instrumental jams every once in a while. The downside is that it took twice as long to finish each album. Blaa blaa blaa. Baa baa baa!

Speaking of sheep, the reasoning behind the album names is: animals make noise; vegetables don't. Only animals have voices. Get it?

Yeah, I know, but why'd you misspell the album names?

I was being "cute". Baby talk is cute, right? Next question.

Um... Speaking of Baby Talk... Why didn't you put a picture of a real animal (like Sadie) on the cover of Aminals? And what's with the muscle flexing on the back of Vegibles?

Again, I was trying to be cute. You don't appreciate my cuteness? Well, if you don't like it, that's just fine. Okay, next.

Hmmm... I guess I don't have a question. Am I supposed to be asking questions? Is this an interview?

Hey, better come up with something quick. You're wasting my time here. I've got a lot to do! Superstars like me are perpetually busy. Gotta do my hair. Gotta do my slime, 'cause I've got a --

Okay, I have one... Where'd you get your inspiration for this particular monkey song?

You call that a question? Do you think regurgitating old phrases from my previous albums is clever? You're worse than me! If you want songs about monkeys, check out The Hermit or Gorilla Love. Better yet, go look in a mirror. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Man, talk about regurgitation...

Man, talk about one too many glasses of wine...