Tripecac - Still Testing (2019)

  1. Beesy [7:05] 2019-01-21 - 2019-02-25
  2. Piucchini [9:13] 2019-03-04 - 2019-03-18
  3. Museday [10:07] 2019-04-01 - 2019-05-06
  4. Patients [5:09] 2019-05-13 - 2019-06-10
  5. Proguess [5:22] 2019-06-17 - 2019-07-22
  6. Catchupin [10:33] 2019-07-29 - 2019-09-02
  7. Beehind [8:00] 2019-09-09 - 2019-10-14
  8. Nerdseed [8:00] 2019-10-21 - 2019-12-09

So here it is, 2019, approaching the end of yet another decade, and my music is still in the "testing" phase.

Imagine someone tapping on a microphone, cautiously saying "testing, testing, 1 2 3"... over and over again... for decades... Well, that's Tripecac!

And this album is, very much, yet another collection of Tripecac tests. It's semi-interesting for a couple of polite listens, and then destined to join the dusty stack of Tripecac CDs in their pile near the stereo... or the back of the closet.

Well, at least there is a Tripecac album this year. It was harder than ever to find time to make music. School holidays, sick days, and appointments all seemed to fall on Monday, my designated music day. Whenever I felt like I was gaining momentum in music-making, I found myself forced to lose yet another Monday, and the train of musical thought was lost. So, if these songs sound unpolished and inconsistent, that's the excuse reason: lack of Mondays.

On the positive side, sometimes it's that rough inconsistency which makes an otherwise boring/awkward song (looking at you, "Piucchini") transition into something less boring toward the end. Perhaps my emotional disconnection with unfinished ideas, combined with impatience for finishing them, lends many of the tracks an air of urgency, and "life". If I'd been able to indulge the original ideas longer, I might have felt too "precious" about them to risk "tainting" them with wild, repetitive jams at the end. And I believe it's those irreverant jams which are the highlight of the album.

And that, my tiny audience, is the main advantage of Tripecac remaining in this perpetual "testing" phase: it keeps the music (and its production) fast, free, and fun. For me, at least. And I guess that's what counts, right?

Hello? Is this thing on?