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Tripalot Swallows UVa

Last week, I revamped all my UVa pages. I had written them in grad school (1997-1999). Most have to do with my classes, but some are about topics I liked at the time (such as neural networks). These pages looked very, very old school. Horrendously so. Full of bad links, out-of-date info, and [gasp!] email addresses. Yuck!

So I rewrote them in xhtml + css, added headers, footers, and navigation, and generally spiffied up the design. I also made sure I could run a mirror of those pages on, in case UVa finally kicks my pages off. And I updated some copy too. To correct grammer and spellings and, punctuationing; get it? Anyway, it took me a few days.

After doing all that work, I decided to go all the way and design the nav and links specifically for Tripalot. I then redirected the pages on UVa to corresponding urls on Tripalot.

Thus ended my dependency on UVa for hosting. Hooray! What's Tripalot gonna swallow next?

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